The Mohu Leaf antennas were designed to be placed above and behind your television. A general rule of thumb for any type of antenna placement is the higher you can get it, the better reception you will have.
When you initially place your Leaf antenna where you would want it, be sure to run a channel scan* to see how clear your reception is and how many channels you receive. *If you are not sure how to do a channel scan, contact the TV manufacturer directly as set-ups can vary. If you are getting clear reception on the channels that broadcast in your area, then your work is done!
If you think your reception can be improved, then try placing your Leaf in a window and re-running the channel scan. You may need more coaxial cable to connect the antenna to the TV. Any good quality coax will work, or you can buy matching coax on Mohu’s website.
If the coaxial cable that came with your antenna is not long enough, you can use additional coaxial cable. We suggest using no more than 25 feet of additional coaxial cable. Any more than the suggested length of coax will degrade the signal. Less is more when adding coaxial cable.
Once you are all set up with your antenna in the window, do another channel scan. If your reception has improved, you are done.
A final note IMPORTANT note about window placement: If you mount your Leaf antenna in a window and are happy with the reception, make sure the WHITE side faces outside so the antenna absorbs less heat from the sun. We also strongly suggest that you secure all four corners of your antenna to the window with clear packing tape, so it does not curl. If the antenna curls up, it will degrade reception.